(Pink) Moon
It was all in the dark, for that's when she dazzles, She glows and she shines free without hassle.. Lots of shades & hues she has within her, Grooves and shapes all around her do linger... Beautiful, full of awe is what her sight beholds, Willful and with purpose is what she brings to the fold. Made of and by nature are all three of a kind, Yet the surrounding torture shall also have shaped their mind. Does't mean that it's bad, unnecessary the silence, Fortitude she had, for adversity builds resilience. A pink diamond in the rough, The shining moon so tough, A woman quintessential, no matter the fuss .... 3 of a kind about who the lines do display, In the sea of the mind while they do stay, In the heart of love blind, do they foreplay.. Excite entice, endear and consume, No respite, god's dice, in our hearts do we swoon. Truth be told she is in a league into her own, Nuke my soul, no more I withhold... - the one who misses the rain!