The Seeker

How do we define our experiences of life and their learnings?
I believe in the kind of perseverences of the mind and it's yearnings...

I believe, that while we have a whole to choose from,
We are nurtured to take in a toll we can chew on..

Even if an elephant can be eaten only one mouthful at a time,
Where we want to begin, defines our soul and it's mind...

The perspectives we define can never truly be ours I believe,
In retrospective we align as a purely compounded collective...

So if original is something that is born of a void,
Then even it needs the void, that it can't avoid..

So even originality needs a setting to be formed,
So into what, in reality are we forgetting to be transformed...?

For if we search for evil, the devils we shall find,
Search for angels and upon god we fall on blind...

Fight for animals and compassion do we see,
Fight against cruelty and there the monsters do be...

Then what forth a purpose shall we seek,
For that determines what mountains we peak..

So the paradox is a closed loop of what we seek and find,
So if colossal seekers we be, then all we see are finders in kind...

And if at any point we find and seek,
Curious finders we be, then the seekers do we meet....

All of life is what we draw and make of it....
If we eat the elephant in one whole, then the paradox we chose to break is what is the goal. But if the paradox broken is the goal, the larger mystery is what fills the soul....

- the one who misses the rain


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